API Docs


Welcome to LeadsOnTrees documentation. Here you will find information on how to use our API to access advanced funding analytics data.


Our API uses simple API key authentication for secure access. To authenticate your requests, follow these steps:

  1. Obtain your API key in Settings page
  2. Include your API key in the x-lot-api-key header of your API requests
x-lot-api-key: YOUR_API_KEY


Root url is https://leadsontrees.com

GET /api/v1/funding

Retrieve advanced & real time funding data. Fundings will be sorted from the most recent to the oldest.

Rate limit:

10 requests per minute


  • round (optional): seed round to filter by (e.g. seed, pre-seed, etc.)
  • category (optional): array of categories to filter by (e.g. AI, Web3, etc.)
  • amount (optional): minimum funding amount
  • date_from (optional): Funding date from which to start (YYYY-MM-DD)
  • date_to (optional): Funding date to which to end (YYYY-MM-DD)

Example Response:

	"message": "OK",
	"params": {
		"category": [
		"round": [],
		"amount": null,
		"date_from": null,
		"date_to": null
	"response": {
		"data": [
				"company_name": "company",
				"round_type": "series b",
				"funding_amount": 50000000,
				"currency": "USD",
				"investors": [
						"name": "Investor A",
						"linkedin_url": "URL"
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